Alcosystems are pleased to announce our agreement with Örebro Municipality to deliver Alcosystems CarePLAN to residential recovery home Murgrönan. CarePLAN is Alcosystems e-health and monitoring solution serviceplan designed for recovery centers.
The plan includes flexible and state-of-the-art digital tools to effectively monitor residents sobriety. Among other things, recovery home personell get access to a system that enables them to follow patterns or anomalies in the patients recovery process in order to provide higher quality care on the road to recovery.
Örebro Kommun ingår avtal Alcosystems
Vi är glada att meddela att Örebro Kommun har skrivit avtal med Alcosystems gällande leverans av vår branschlösning CarePLAN till Behandlingshemmet Murgrönan. CarePLAN är Alcosystems branschanpassade lösning inom e-hälsa och digitala alkotest för behandlingshem.
Lösningen inkluderar ett flexibelt digitalt verktyg för alkotester. Bland annat får personalen tillgång till ett system där de kan följa mönster eller avvikelser i patienternas behandlingsprocesser för en mer högkvalitativ vård.
Örebro Municipality signs agreement with Alcosystems
Alcosystems are pleased to announce our agreement with Örebro Municipality to deliver Alcosystems CarePLAN to residential recovery home Murgrönan. CarePLAN is Alcosystems e-health and monitoring solution serviceplan designed for recovery centers.
The plan includes flexible and state-of-the-art digital tools to effectively monitor residents sobriety. Among other things, recovery home personell get access to a system that enables them to follow patterns or anomalies in the patients recovery process in order to provide higher quality care on the road to recovery.