The daily menu of the baby determines health in the future. It is at a small age, children receive complications and critical disorders of the body that lead to chronic diseases. A properly chosen diet will help form immunity and provide physical fortress.
The classic children's menu includes the following ingredients:
Dry mixes. These are special compositions developed on the basis of natural and artificial additives. Mixtures are separated into three categories that are intended for children to six months, from six months and older. The composition contains milk cows, taurine, casein and other substances.
Puree and porridge. This dish, which is added to the menu already aged half a year. Thanks to this, you can teach a child to solid food. Puree and cereal are made on the basis of natural raw materials and, as a rule, include much less artificial additives that stimulate the processes of the body.
Water. Few drawing attention to the water. In medical stores are offered special types of children's water. This is an additional cleaning fluid that does not contain any extraneous inclusions.
What to take into account when studying products?
Experienced parents are guided by a number of parameters:
Brands and manufacturers. On the shelves are presented well-known and advertised types of baby food, as well as narrow specialty. Not always to trust advertising. Goods are attracted by price, but in quality leave to desire the best.
Contraindications. Porridge and puree include different ingredients, vitamin complexes. Each product has certain contraindications. To determine them, you need to know the predisposition of the child's body to certain natural ingredients. Otherwise, avoid allergies and chronic disease will not work.
Package. Bank or package having holes and cracks is already a guarantee of poor quality product. This is not connected with the competence of the manufacturer, but with the invisitingness of the supplier and the seller.
Why better overpay?
Overpayment for the brand product is profitable. Brand infant nutrition relating dry mixes, sauce and cereals, is only natural ingredients without synthetic additives. The exception is a mixture intended for children with a weak body, congenital diseases.
Brand manufacturers are precisely fixed shelf life. In addition, the goods are supplied to pharmacies narrowly focused that time remove the products from the display cases and limit consumers from error.
Premium products are generally available in the set. This means that you can buy not only a mess, but including water and dry mix and diversify the child's menu. This will simplify the feeding, will soon go to the natural nutrition of the baby. De flesta av spelmaskinerna på fortune clock casino webbplats kommer med trumsimulatorer. RNG-baserade spelautomater finns i betald och demo-läge. I det senare fallet kan alla besökare på Webbplatsen, inklusive oregistrerade, spela. I detta fall görs satsningarna genom upplupna virtuella krediter. Priser delas ut i dem. Live dealer-spel är endast tillgängliga för kontantspel.
The classic children's menu includes the following ingredients:
Dry mixes. These are special compositions developed on the basis of natural and artificial additives. Mixtures are separated into three categories that are intended for children to six months, from six months and older. The composition contains milk cows, taurine, casein and other substances.
Puree and porridge. This dish, which is added to the menu already aged half a year. Thanks to this, you can teach a child to solid food. Puree and cereal are made on the basis of natural raw materials and, as a rule, include much less artificial additives that stimulate the processes of the body.
Water. Few drawing attention to the water. In medical stores are offered special types of children's water. This is an additional cleaning fluid that does not contain any extraneous inclusions.
What to take into account when studying products?
Experienced parents are guided by a number of parameters:
Brands and manufacturers. On the shelves are presented well-known and advertised types of baby food, as well as narrow specialty. Not always to trust advertising. Goods are attracted by price, but in quality leave to desire the best.
Contraindications. Porridge and puree include different ingredients, vitamin complexes. Each product has certain contraindications. To determine them, you need to know the predisposition of the child's body to certain natural ingredients. Otherwise, avoid allergies and chronic disease will not work.
Package. Bank or package having holes and cracks is already a guarantee of poor quality product. This is not connected with the competence of the manufacturer, but with the invisitingness of the supplier and the seller.
Why better overpay?
Overpayment for the brand product is profitable. Brand infant nutrition relating dry mixes, sauce and cereals, is only natural ingredients without synthetic additives. The exception is a mixture intended for children with a weak body, congenital diseases.
Brand manufacturers are precisely fixed shelf life. In addition, the goods are supplied to pharmacies narrowly focused that time remove the products from the display cases and limit consumers from error.
Premium products are generally available in the set. This means that you can buy not only a mess, but including water and dry mix and diversify the child's menu. This will simplify the feeding, will soon go to the natural nutrition of the baby. De flesta av spelmaskinerna på fortune clock casino webbplats kommer med trumsimulatorer. RNG-baserade spelautomater finns i betald och demo-läge. I det senare fallet kan alla besökare på Webbplatsen, inklusive oregistrerade, spela. I detta fall görs satsningarna genom upplupna virtuella krediter. Priser delas ut i dem. Live dealer-spel är endast tillgängliga för kontantspel.
How it works
Stefan Demirian
Serial entrepreneur
Miguel Arias
CTO. Innovator and entrepreneur, inventor of iBac patent family & multiply acclaimed entrepreneur.
Sebastian Karlsson
COO. Previously held a leadership position in Business Development at PwC and Canon.
Omid Ekhlasi
CCO. Responsible for communications at Serendipity Group.
Kamjar Hajabdolahi
Sendior advisor, Serial Entrepreneur, Partner and head of M&A at Serendipity Group.
Stefan Borg
President of the Swedish National Association against alcohol and narcotic addiction. Former director of operations at the Stockholm center of addicts.