Vägen ut! Villa Revansch
Vägen ut! Villa Revansch is a recovery center in the northern Swedish city of Sundsvall. They have chosen Alcosystems CarePlan to support their patients on their road to recovery.
Villa Revansch uses the Alcosystems solution to monitor sobriety when patients have time off to go on leave or on public holidays. No patient is allowed to leave the clinic for an extended period of time without bringing an Alcosystems Pro Unit with.
Alcosystems solution enables the administrators to schedule tests for the patients. Whenever a patient performs the test, Villa Revansch instantly receives data on their sobriety level, location, and photo, functioning as test ID confirmation.
Mats Granberg, unit manager at Vägen ut!Villa Revansch
“It is a good and user-friendly tool. I think the (Swedish) public correctional facilities should try this solution when it comes to security and control at different types of testing. I believe that all recovery clinics that have agreements with public correctional facilities will use Alcosystem’s solution in the future since it’s so secure and easy to use.”